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1st to 10th Standard

​The below are the list of India's State board text book links:

  1. ​Andhra Pradesh State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  2. Assam State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  3. Bihar State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  4. Chhattisgarh State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  5. Delhi State board text books can find here -->StudiesToday.

  6. Goa State board text books can find here --> StudiesToday.

  7. Gujarat State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  8. Haryana State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  9. Himachal Pradesh State board text books can find here --> Byjus.

  10. Jammu & Kashmir State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  11. Jharkhand State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  12. Karnataka State board text books can find from here --> .

  13. Kerala State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  14. Madhya Pradesh State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  15. Maharashtra State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  16. Manipur State board text books can find here --> -NA-

  17. Meghalaya State board text books can find here --> -NA-

  18. Nagaland State board text books can find here --> -NA-

  19. Odisha State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  20. Panjab State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  21. Rajasthan State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  22. Sikkim State board text books can find here --> StudiesToday.

  23. Tamil Nadu State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  24. Telangana State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  25. Tripura State board text books can find here -->StudiesToday.

  26. Uttar Pradesh State board text books can find here --> Self Study

  27. Uttarakhand State board text books can find here --> StudiesToday.

  28. West Bengal State board text books can find here --> Self Study



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