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TPMS - Tire Pressure Monitoring System

The TPMS is one of the safety system in an Automobiles to reduce accidents, increase the fuel efficiency and tire life of the vehicle. The TMPS is can be implemented by two different methods that is Direct and Indirect methods. These two methods can be name as dTPMS and iTPMS respectively. 

Scope of  project

Implement the dTMPS and iTMPS as per industries requirement and simulate using Tinkercad and CANoe tool.


The different manufactures use different kinds of TPMS system based on type of vehicle. The different manufactures has different requirements to implement TPMS system for dTPMS and iTPMS. As part this project will see the kinds of TPMS system used by different OEMs and there software and hardware requirement details. And simulation of TPMS system using embedded and circuit software simulation.

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