Smart License Card for Vehicles (V-SIM Card System)
In current era of road transportation, the use of vehicles by unauthorized drivers is rampant, be it under aged driving, stolen vehicles or drivers without required authentication.By Implementing V-SIM Card can avoid the driving of vehicle without license.,can reduce the investment on road safety and Vehicle can be tracked – helps in finding stolen vehicles.
Scope of project
The main idea behind this project is to avoid problems such as Un-authorized driving and Vehicle stealing. We make use of finger print identification with the authorized license card so that the vehicle can be driven by only those people who have authorized license card, and also we can trace/find out the stolen Vehicle easily by using the GSM module.
First we need to store the thumb impression information of the person in the memory chip provided on the license card issued by Regional Transport Office.
The system first captures the thumb image through optical sensor that is fixed on handle, which given to the processor. The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) processes the captured image and compares it with reference data stored in memory chip of license card. If both matches’ means then it is authorized license else it is unauthorized license. If it matches, it allows the vehicle to start, if no authentication means controller locks ignition system and the vehicle will not start.
Suppose a person has lost his/her vehicle, he/she goes and reports to the control room ( providing stolen vehicle number). If the GSM receiver on/in the vehicle receives a SMS (Short Message Service) that is transmitted from the control room GSM transmitter. If the received SMS matches with message stored in vehicle (theft indication message), the vehicle will stop and sends an ID of the license card along with the vehicle number to the control room. When we receive the acknowledgment from the vehicle it means that the vehicle found. In this way we can find the stolen vehicle and who has stolen (using the data base of license card).